Main Hall and Stage
Tables and Chairs
79 upholstered chairs are available in the main hall, with a further 20 in the Du Buisson Room.
Tables of various sizes are stored under the stage, see:
90 plastic chairs are stored at the top of the stairs, see:
Catering Facilities
Use of the kitchen for teas and coffees is included in the room rent
There are "in" and "out" serving doors connecting the Main Hall to the Kitchen.
Cafe style: 100-130 depending on layout.
Theatre style: 178 (167 with the stage extension), see layout 1, layout 2
Dances: 80 is comfortable, 100 is feasible.
Legal limits: 270 standing or 192 seated in main hall. Overall limit of 310 for the building.
Hall dimensions: 9.1m x 15m=136.5m².
Hall height: 5.45m in centre, 4.45m at the sides.
Stage dimensions: 8.0m x 3.5m=28.0m²
Dimmable LED panel lighting in the ceiling.
Wall-mounted up-lighters with dimmer control.
Multicoloured wall lights.
Sound System
A sound system is available to users; please request a demonstration before using for the first time. The sound system includes the following:
Playing CDs and MP3 files on a USB stick.
Connection of an iPOD/iPAD, mobile phone or laptop computer using a 3.5 mm jack (provided), phono plugs or Bluetooth.
A handheld radio microphone.
A handheld wired microphone (connectible at the front or the back of the hall)
A headset radio microphone.
A connection for the hall Clavinova.
A small mixer is provided in a cabinet at the front of the Hall, together with the CD player, connections for the wired microphone and laptop etc, a BluRay player and the projector controls. A large mixer is available for connection at the rear of the Hall, to which the microphones and Clavinova can connect as well as anything else connected to a stage box located in the stage wings.
An HD projector is permanently installed in the Main Hall, with a 4m electric screen, computer HDMI connections (front and rear of Hall) and a Blu-ray Player. The projector automatically connects to the sound system. The Blu-ray player will play Blu-ray disks, DVDs and from a USB stick. For compatible file formats please see here.
Please request a demonstration before using the projector for the first time.
Stage Information and Lighting
Two sets of stage access steps are available, stored under the stage. They may be used with the basic stage or with the stage extension (see photos to right). Handrails for the stage steps are kept in the user store room to the right of the stage.
Stage back wall lighting is available to general users.
A stage extension is available on request which extends the stage forwards into the Hall. The extension is 1.2m deep and 4.8m wide. See photos to right.
Full stage lighting is available by arrangement, see: Stage Lighting Details.

Stage Steps. Stage Extension
Stage Extension - left. Stage Extension - right.